Monday 7 September 2009


I have been told that this is all doom and gloom so I have to be happier. Ok went up to see mia bella gattina on saturday and had a good timeas always no mishaps of people calling me away or anything else unfortunately bob was visiting her as well but we cant change these things. decided to have a drink lastnight and evaluate my life....not the best of plans while drinking i know.

not much else going on really so ttyl

"as i walk through the valley of shadow i shall fear no salad for i has burgers!!!"

Tuesday 1 September 2009

fun fun fun

ah where to begin? probably the start.

Ok mio bella gattina and i went to get a tattoo done each on saturday. she wimped out lol though it does mildly hurt so i can understand. looks awesome except for the whole drowning in blood but ok il heal. later on we went out to spoons with a few of her mates and some of mine. lyndsay knows i like her so of course sat telling her she should stay away great friend that he is. then along came gaz.

went to limers and i couldnt stand watching the two of them fawning over her so decided to drink myself into oblivion and damn the rest. why should i stand and watch that?

Now both of them are texting her and no doubt there is more poison being said bout me. ya know wat? fuck it.
but im not angry at her and why should i?

quote of the weekend "Fuck it why should I?"